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Fuck UWM and all universities! UW-Milwaukee and their brethren are mediocre. Click banner ads on ClixSense instead; it's a better use of time than a college education in the UW System.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

University Graduate Student Loan Debt Survey

Communications Director Matt Guidry of The United Council of UW Students, Inc. has graciously informed me of a survey which it is conducting in conjunction with One Wisconsin Institute to sample the average debt, living conditions, geographies, and demographics of university graduates who are either paying student loan debt or are in deferment on payment of one or more student loans.

Although the sponsoring organizations as based in Wisconsin, all university graduates in arrears are welcome to participate because there are questions to segment respondents by state and by ZIP code. And yes, the survey really does require only five minutes maximum, even if you tab through the page elements rather than use the mouse.

University Graduate Student
Loan Debt Survey

Addendum: Congratulations if you paid your way through university without loans or paid off your debt really quickly with a high-paying job right out of college, but we're looking for university graduates who are still under one or more student loan debt obligations, whether they've graduated this May or have been a graduate for many years but have been unable to repay all student loan debt -- thanks!

You can do better; go to trade school!

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