(Un-)Funny Job Interview Dialogue (Dark Humor)
Interviewer: Why do you want to leave your current position?
Interviewee: Being a professional job interviewee doesn’t pay too well.
Interviewer: What a shame -- it really is your calling!
Interviewer: What happened to your business?
Interviewee: I’m good at what I do -- but had to close my business for lack of selling ability.
Interviewer: You ain’t selling yourself too well, either!
Interviewer: Why don’t you want to be self-employed anymore?
Interviewee: Because I’m a [techie | artisan | craftsman], not a salesman.
Interviewer: And a p*$$ p00r job interviewer!
Interviewer: Why don’t you [earn another degree | go back to school | further your education]?
Interviewee: Because I don’t want to get burnt again, investing time and money but without a job to show for it.
Interviewer: That’s the most intelligent thing you’ve said during the entire interview!
Interviewer: Why should I [hire | choose | waste another breath on] you?
Interviewee: I’ll make you more money than the other candidates for this position.
Interviewer: Prove it! And I ain’t giving you the chance to -- good-bye!
Bonus: Job Interview Interruption Comic!

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